Mehdi is a mandatory function of weddings in South Asia. This was originally celebrated by the sisters, aunties and bhabies of bride and groom but now
Mehndi function is being celebrated by the brothers and cousins of bride and groom as well. It has been considered one of the most colorful and joyful event of
South Asian weddings. People arranged different sort of arrangements including makeover, dressing and outdoor catering. The most beautiful aspect of Mehdi event is girls dressing especially the dress of Bride for Mehdi. Today we will show you the gorgeous
dress of Mehdi which have been designed especially for brides. Hope you like these stunning Mehdi dresses. The collection of Mehdi dresses has been taken from the gorgeous
House of Mehdi Couture. Let’s take a quick short tour of this incredible collection of Mehdi dresses of Mehdi Couture.
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